I guess that the entire world has its familiies gathered round their TVs tonight watching the DWTS finale! So, we are gathered round the TV, eating fajitas, sort of a community meal, that I KNOW we will enjoy, and getting ready to watch Nicole win (even though Bekka has voted all her votes for Evan).
Today, she was run all over the place by the MOB getting wedding stuff done, and we did have a very successful day. We did get the wedding flutes, beautiful crystal flutes, hand-cut from Scotland. We finished the shopping for everything for the unity sand ceremony. We accomplished the task of finding what Bekka really liked for the wedding book, and the sign-in book (and they are beautiful). We also found the flower girl baskets.
The best part of the day was the experimentation that we got to do at Water 2 Wine, the WONDERFUL wine-making bar on Seguin St. You can make your own wine, label it yourself, and believe me, everything we sampled, was delicious! Then, we went futher downtown to Henne Hardware. If you haven't been there in a long time, you should really go. It is so very interesting. You should just walk around the store and look at everything. It is a history lesson in real life. When I was in middle school Brides actually registered there. So we were just checking everything out. The man said that we really could register if we wanted to...Bekka said that she would rather have Roy with her. I don't blame her, but I would encourage them to go back!
So, we got to put a lot of checks on our "to-do" list today. Yay!!!!
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