The weeks are just whizzing by for me, I don't know about Roy and Rebekka. When I ask Roy, he says that he stays REALLY busy at work. And I know that he does, even on weekends, he is working until 7:00 PM!!! And for Rebekka, things are just about ready to get wild with Memorial Day approaching. Hours will get looooooonger at Natural Bridge Caverns, with summer hours going into effect.
So, getting the two of them together to talk to the cake lady, talk to the caterer, decide on table decorations is just next to impossible. So, they will only have to do the VERY necessary things like eat cake, and decide on what to eat at their reception, and I will work with Paige, Mindee and Shirley on the table decorations (and probably Jessie, too). We'll get that part done.
The bridesmaids need to get to Celebrations to take care of their gown situation by next Monday, or give them a call "Muy Pronto."
I am getting more organized because Adriana gave me two books--one called "The EVERYTHING Wedding Organizer" and another one called "The EVERYTHING Mother of the Bride Book." Now, I have no excuse for not doing EVERYTHING that needs to be done. Thank God, Terri is such a wonderful influence on me, because she is a great organizer and planner (we've got to get together again soon, Terri, but I know you have been very busy).
Needless to say, I think that Roy and Bekka are doing great, and love each other very, very much. I am very happy for them. You should see how the other member of the family has accepted Roy. I bet you didn't know about him. Mr. Knightley, the little Shihtzu pound puppy that Bekka adopted from her neighbor will become Roy's, too, after their marriage. Actually, Knightley had already accepted him and loves him very much. So, no problem there...WHEW...didn't want a problem with that!!! Knightley will bark and sound tough at first, but will lick you to death as soon as you pet him.
I hope that all of you received your "Save the Dates." Thank you, Adriana for the great photography, and Terri, for getting the printing done. They did turn out really nice. Make sure that all of you "save the date!"
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