Today was the beginning...and it started early, believe me. It was a beautiful Sabbath morning, and we started it with 8:30 AM church. After a stirring sermon from Pastor Rich, we headed out to get into comfortable clothing, and then piled into the Explorer and went north to Town Creek to Target. Rebekka and Roy began the electronic process of gift registry while I circled the Dollar Spot until the cart was half-filled. Then, I told them they had to finish, or I would have to get a second cart, so they got in line to turn in their information (ha, ha--they really were finished, and I really hadn't filled up the WHOLE cart).
Roy always has a smile on his face, and we head down the aisle toward the appliances in the front of the store ("Let's Start at the Very Beginning"). They made very sensible choices, considering what they already had between their two households, and what needed to be replaced and what could still be used. They were very conservative, but they did realize that there would be many well-wishers that would be looking for ways to celebrate with them.
Kevin and Mindee (Roy's future brother- and sister-in-law)(Bekka's sister and brother-in-law) joined us close to 12:00 noon, and then we went over to Ord'S for lunch (which stands for extraORDinary Sandwiches). Then, it was off to SAT for the second registry of the day at Bath, Bed and Beyond, or something like that. By the time, we reached this store, everyone's lunch drink had hit bottom, and after all of us taking turns running to the bathroom, Roy and Bekka finally finished registering, and we started shopping (hurray!!!)!!! This store could be the cause of serious shopper overload, in my estimation. The place has 300-ft ceilings(at least) and from floor to ceiling, there are shelves FULL of perfectly lined kitchen utensils, kitchen towels, kitchen gadgets, bowls, colanders, bamboo trays, salad bowls, tongs, ice cream makers, muffin pans, etc, etc, etc. And this is in the "Beyond" part of the store. We aren't even in the Bed or Bath part!!! And Roy and Bekka really need Bed things (they are getting a new bed (a new size)-a queen-sized bed, and will need all new bedding, which they did find here. Then in the bath part, they did find some nice linens and they did register for them as well. After a few more miscellaneous items, and browsing, and thank you's to the store people, we said our good-byes, and left for Dillards.
Entering Dilliards, we had to stop in the shoe department to give Bekka some relief from her aching feet. After a quick stop and finding her some really soft sort of sandal shoes that looked like flip-flops to me (but she says they felt like walking on thick cushions). At least she was comfortable, and we could continue! So, we took the escalator to the lower level to the Bridal Registry Salon...and Elizabeth was our consultant. She helped Roy and Rebekka, and before I could get back from the restroom, they were ready to start zap skew numbers (Roy was really getting good with that gun!) So they decided on Fiesta for their everyday pottery along with a really great pottery that is so colorful. They registered for China, Crystal, and Flatware, along with a few other pieces. They do know that they will have to continue, but they just ran out of time. It was 6:00 PM and all the sales ladies had their shoes off and were ready to go home...actually we were ready for a break, too...
So, we gladly hit the road north! Too bad, that Roy and Rebekka couldn't have stayed in Schertz, but I know they didn't mind coming back to visit...it had been a great day, and I know they wanted to share it all.
Now, they are registered at Target, Bed, Bath and Beyond, and Dilliards. They will soon be registered in two more shops in Pleasonton and we will be posting those stores as soon as they have finished their registry there.
I know they'll think of other things. I'll encourage them to keep a list of anything else they think of that they've seen or thought of...you do the same, and give them a call, or you could call Terri or myself, or even Mammaw, or Grandmother.
We'll be in touch!