Just in case you don't know the story of how Roy and Rebekka met, I would like to let you hear how precious it is...
Adriana and Jim Conn, are our neighbors on Guada Coma, and moved there when Adriana was pregnant with Sophia. Our families became entwined when Pappaw and Pepper on their daily walks would stop and visit with Jim and Sophia. As we all met, and grew closer, our families just became so close. We shared holidays and birthdays together. Jim's family was up north, so we sort of became a surrogate family to him. It has been wonderful, and we still enjoy a beautiful relationship today.
Well, Adriana and Jim have shared Sophia's childhood with us, and we have watched a super intelligent, gorgeous little girl grow up so fast. And then came the news, when she was 8 years old, that she was going to be a big sister! Yes! We were all shocked, but excited! Sophia was guided carefully though the pregnancy so that she would be accepting and happy with the new arrival, and then when she found out that she was going to have a baby sister, oh wow!
We just had to have a shower (couples) for Adriana, and as the due date quickly approached, we found ourselves hurrying to set the date. So, Bekka, Mindee, Sherry, and myself got to go to the Party Store, and shop for a cradle. Arrangements for the huge crowd had to be changed to Natural Bridge Caverns just to accommodate the numbers. But, we felt this would be perfect. It's just such a nice place to have a party.
Adriana gave us the guest list and the party was held with a huge turnout...a great success! Adriana, who really needed everything, since Sophia was 8, and here she was having a brand new baby, so she was really blessed with beautiful gifts, and everything she needed.
While the party was going on, we were busy serving cake, punch, helping with the gifts, etc, etc, etc, and where was Bekka? No one could find her! Well, she was sitting at a table there in the visitors center talking with ROY! Roy had been invited to the party because he and Adriana had been in college together at Incarnate Word. And they talked incessantly for hours during the shower!
The next week, Roy called Adriana and asked, "Do you think Bekka would be interested in going out?" Adriana said she thought that Bekka would really enjoy his company, knowing Roy from his college years, and having kept in close touch with him ever since. He had moved to New Braunfels in 2002 and worked in business, loving the city, and becoming involved in church and service to the community.
So, in essence, Charli is the whole reason that the two of them met. She brought Bekka and Roy together. Her life had meaning before it even began, as God had a purpose for her even as she moved in her mother's womb. What a blessed child! We all love her so much!
And now we will have Charli come down the aisle as a little cherub and then we will enjoy a big party at Natural Bridge Caverns together after the wedding! It's perfect!
Sweet story!