Can it be that we are only 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days away from the BIG DAY???? My, time's fun when you're having flies!!! At least, that's what I always used to say!
It is a good thing that Bekka and I went shopping yesterday! Of course, we use any excurse (no, that's not a misspelled word, according to Weldon) to go shopping. We had to continue to work on her trousseau. We had already found some wonderful pieces, but still needed some very important items, so off we went.
We had shopped the day before with Roy, when our happy couple registered at KOHLS, and they really found some wonderful things, so don't forget that when you start shopping! When we were there, Bekka found a coupla cute dresses, so we scooped them up on a great deal. Roy liked them, so it was neat that they were together. Roy even found a great shirt that he liked, so everyone went away happy. Weldon would be glad that I didn't buy anything for myself, but just you wait...
Then on Monday, Bekka and I hit the Forum, mainly to see what Old Navy had that might work for Disney World. We did find some really cute things and Bekka was really happy.
Then on to Rolling Oaks, and to Dillards for some great outfits. Shoes were definitely on the list. Now, Bekka shops for shoes by circling and circling. I just can't do that. Finally, when I had an idea of what she even wanted, I grabbed a coupla pairs of what I thought she wanted, sat her down, and asked the sales lady to bring her size in these two sandals or anything resembling them. Meanwhile, I was watching a cute little older lady shop in exactly the opposite way Bekka was. She sat down, and the clerk just brought shoes to her. Notice in the picture...there are twenty or more boxes of shoes around her!
I was getting slower and slower, so we knew that the trip was getting to the end. We did find a coupla pair of shoes for Bekka and then headed down stairs, and there was VS, Victoria's Secret, on the LAST day of their Semi-annual Sale! Bekka found some unmentionable things, and we were elated with the prices!
Now, one more errand and we'll be Hallmark, and we're outta here, which is perfect timing, because there is Roy on the phone...and I drop Bekka off to meet him at their Monday night at the Piano Bar (Chris is there on Monday nights). Whew...that's really getting things done with 3 MONTHS, 3 WEEKS, AND 3 DAYS to go!!!