The wedding invitations are in! Rebekka and Roy did a wonderful job of designing them and picking out the colors and all! I just love them! We do have a bit of work to do to complete all the information for you (the inserts like maps to the church and reception, accommodations, etc), and complete all the addressing, but rest assured that yours will be arriving on time! We do have just under 3 months now, so we have got to kick into a higher gear.
Bekka [my Bekka Jaye, not to be confused with Becca, Roy's sister(that's Bekka's Roy Anthony, not Roy, Roy Anthony's father)boy, it's a good thing that Roy and Rebekka found each other because otherwise, we never would have had a chance to talk about this extraordinary coincidence, AND they are both LEFT-HANDED, TOO!], anyway, Bekka, Mindee, and myself hit the pavement hard today, running errands, getting a few more things checked off the "TO-DO" list. I don't think I could even give you a list of the places we went, there were so many, but we did have the pleasure of starting off at Celebrations with Mammaw (my Mom), for her fitting for her dress for the wedding. It's really beautiful on her! It will really be a memorable evening for all of us!
So, as we proceeded to complete our mission, Mindee laughed every time I would say "CHECK," meaning that's another thing off the list. It really just saves something from needing to be done at the last minute...
I am sure that there will be last minute things, but as our wedding coordinator at church reminded me last Sunday, "Karon, don't worry, if one little thing doesn't get done, no one will know." And she's right.
It's just the big things that I think about.